Monday 9 August 2021

Assorted informational videos the BBC et al will not be publishing

Care home lady says they will sack her if she refuses the jab! (2 minutes 17 seconds)

CDC reveals 74% of 'cases' in one Massachussetts county were FULLY VACCINATED! (26 seconds)

Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam in the USA, says the moment force is used to vaccinate the reluctant, that will be a 'declaration of war.' (35 seconds)

Dr. Kobi Haviv, Director of the Herzog hospital in Jerusalem says:
"85 to 90 percent of the hospitalisations here are fully vaccinated people!" (42 seconds)

Anna Brees (@BreesAnna) says:
"I just feel the public haven't been given the full information and there are so many doctors out there who were pro-vaccine but changed their opinion and they believe that the vaccination programme should be halted for all...

It's the duty of journalists now to allow this debate for people to decide for themselves. And that just simply hasn't happened. There hasn't been any debate. There hasn't been any debate. You have two opposing views, you hear the arguments, the pros and the cons and then you make a decision that's best for your family. And that hasn't happened." (2 minutes 20 seconds)

Mindy Robinson speaks.

Go, Mindy! (1 minute 48 seconds)

Yet another vaccine victim! (11 seconds)

Once upon a time Stanley Johnson would appear to have been a eugenicist.

UK population reduced by 50 million or so? Not a problem for upper-crust granddads, apparently.

I wonder if he and his baby boy ever discussed the topic? You know, before the 'pandemic' began shuffling us off? (46 seconds)

DAVID CAMERON in 2009, the year before he became UK Prime Minister:
"All you see is a sea of white, Christian faces!"

Old man arrested for being out, about and not bothering anyone in Australia, has seizure. (1 minute 49 seconds)

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